


Massage naturally helps improve lymphatic system flow and drainage. Lymphatic fluid is fairly thick and slow moving and consequently needs help to keep it circulating efficiently. Exercise is great at doing this due to the muscles pushing against the lymphatic channels. Massage works in a similar way through press and release technique along the channels stimulating movement in the fluid.
Through my studies and knowledge gained in both Japan and India I have developed a deep understanding on how the body works on an energetic and element based foundation. Through the techniques I have gained I can release tension and stiffness in your muscles and joints as well as enhance your digestive system, relieve congestion, improve your menstrual cycle, calm your nervous system and improve your body’s ability to detoxify itself.
My additional training in Ayurvedic Massage in India helped deepen my understanding of the fundamentals of the body and how we are all different constitutionally.
I combine all my knowledge and massage experience to create a truly holistic treatment for each person. I incorporate Ayurvedic, Chinese and Remedial techniques into each treatment giving a massage that relaxes, restores and rejuvenates the person both physically and mentally.
Full Body Massage combined with either Reiki or Reflexology – 90 minutes – $170
Full Body Massage 60 minutes – $120
Child Massage 30 minutes – $55

Top to Toe - the ultimate healing treatment
The treatment combines the wonderful healing and rejuvenating effects of both Indian Head Massage and Reflexology with the added option of Ear Candling. This treatment targets the pressure points on your head, ears, neck, feet and ankles. As a result, this brings about deep relaxation and detoxification of your nervous system and all internal organs. You will be sure to leave this treatment feeling renewed and re-energised
What is Indian Head Massage
Indian head massage uses a sequence of massage techniques and pressure applied to specific Marma points. These points access the nerve channels throughout your head, neck and upper body. This brings increased energy flow to these areas. The 3 chakras or energy centres located in your throat, between your eyes and on your crown are also stimulated and cleared.
Benefits of Indian Head Massage
- Stress, muscular tension and anxiety relief
- Clearing of the sinuses
- Deep relaxation
- Improved blood flow in the eyes
- Calming of the nervous system
- Increased mental clarity
What is Reflexology
Reflexology works using specific muscle relaxing techniques followed by pressure point massage. There is a map of your entire body over your feet and ankles. By applying pressure to these points your whole body can be treated via your nervous system and energy channels. Reflexology is highly effective in helping treat many common conditions whilst also aiding in deep relaxation. Find out more about reflexology here.
What can reflexology help with?
- Headaches
- Stress, anxiety, depression
- Sleep disturbances
- Digestive issues
- Fertility
- Hormone imbalance
- PMS, PMT and period pain
- Sinus congestion
- Detoxification of the kidneys and liver
What is Ear Candling?
Ear candles work by creating a chimney like effect when lit. When the candle is lit and gently inserted into your ear a whooshing sound can often be heard.
Ear candling is not recommended if you are experiencing an ear infection, have a perforated ear drum, grommets or ear surgery in the past 3 months. I am a certified BioSun Ear Candling Practitioner.
During the treatment you will also be given the option of having crystals placed on or around your body. The energy of the crystals complements the work done from the massage therefore heightening its effect.
60 minutes
(20 mins Indian Head Massage + 40 mins Reflexology) – $120
90 minutes
(30 mins Indian Head Massage + 60 mins Reflexology) – $170
Ear Candling can be added to any treatment – allow an extra 15 mins on top of treatment time – $20